There Are Many Types of Light Bulbs on the Market Today: Learn How to Choose the Best Ones
One of the most useful inventions for everyday living is the light bulb. Long after the sun has set, we can still work, read, engage in hobbies, and socialize thanks to artificial light. Since Thomas Edison invented the first carbon-filament light bulb in 1879, a lot has changed. There are now an overwhelming amount of light bulb selections available on shelves of home improvement stores.
You can select your next light bulb with confidence if you read the accompanying overview. If you have questions, or need to make residential or commercial electric upgrades, contact Sonner Electric at 661-728-0126 for help.
Incandescent bulbs
These are the standard light bulbs that most people use today. The soft, skin-flattering light that these bulbs create makes them perfect for use over bathroom vanities. Because these bulbs get hot when in use, use them with caution. Although they are less expensive than other types, these bulbs are less effective. Standard 40-to-100 watt bulbs are no longer produced due to federal legislation, but you can still find them in lesser wattages. You can throw away these bulbs with your regular trash.
Fluorescent lights
Fluorescent lights provide the best brightness, making them suitable for use in garages, workshops, and laundry rooms. These bulbs frequently have a long lifespan. Be careful when handling fluorescent lights because they can get very hot to the touch. They should not be thrown away because they also contain mercury. As an alternative, find out if your neighborhood hardware store would recycle them for you. Additionally, mail-back services are offered.
Compact Fluorescent (CFL)
CFLs are more expensive than incandescent bulbs but also more energy-efficient and last longer (though less than LED). It takes a while for these spiral-shaped bulbs to warm up. Large areas like basements, great rooms, and outdoor areas are frequently lit with CFLs. When in use, these bulbs also become warm. These bulbs shouldn’t be disposed of in your rubbish can because they contain mercury.
Halogen lighting
Like an incandescent bulb, halogen lighting is warm and comforting. They share the same poorer energy efficiency as incandescent bulbs despite lasting longer. Halogen lights are excellent for both indoor and outdoor floodlights since they do not require any warming up time and heat up quickly. They are safe to dispose of in your garbage and can last up to a year.
LED lights
A bulb that doesn’t heat up at last! Although the cost has decreased over the past ten years, it is still higher than comparable bulbs. However, compared to an incandescent light, these bulbs live 25 times longer. LED bulbs work effectively in almost every application. They also come in a variety of colorful, lively hues. These lights are typically recyclable, but check with your neighborhood recycling program.